Chelsea Zen

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Keep Your Mouth Shut

Sunday Funday!

Alright, if you opened this email you are probably wondering why I so boldly demanded that you keep your mouth shut. This is a lesson that is so important and so overlooked when it comes to personal growth and taking the journey to your best self!

Keep your mouth shut around people who you know are going to bring you down.

It’s an uphill battle to release your limiting beliefs and that negative voice that tells you “you can’t”.

When you are on a journey committed to leaving fear in the dust, it’s important that you protect yourself. I like to say that you “energetically protect yourself”. I call this my pink cloud ☁️💗

Once you’ve conquered that and convinced your subconscious mind that your dreams are possible - it’s time to close up your cloud ☁️

Your “realistic” friend totally loves you and wants you to be “safe” but you can’t let them give life to your old limiting beliefs.

The universe is unlimited. YOU are unlimited. You can achieve that dream. But while you’re at it, protect your pink cloud.

Love + Light,

Chelsea Zen