My Journey from Busy to Balanced
For most of my life, I was taught hard work was above everything.
You work hard = you’re doing great.
You have a schedule packed so tight you don’t have time to breathe or eat= amazing.
Let me give you an example of how I ran my “busy” life. In college, I received my Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in three years. The first year I had two jobs and two internships. The second year I completed 23 credit hours of online courses while performing as Princess Belle 50 hours a week at the Walt Disney World. The third-year I worked two jobs, completed junior and senior-level classes all while maintaining a long-distance relationship with my now husband who was overseas serving our country.
I loved to be busy!
I thought my level of busyness was a direct representation of how successful I currently was and would be in life. Time to myself was a myth.
I graduated from college on May 5, 2012. May 6, 2012, I had a small backyard wedding to marry my best friend and soulmate. 2012 was about to crash down in ways I never imagined.
So what happened?
Let me back up. My father got very sick when I was five years old. I always knew “daddy was sick” but I did not comprehend the severity. If you’d met my dad you would have never known he was battling a chronic illness. He was the hardest working man I will ever meet. He gave me things he never had and always put forward a strong brave face. His work never ended. Overtime at the office and taking care of our dogs and acres of land. Besides Sunday football and summer BBQs, it was rare for me to see him rest.
I have childhood memories of sitting on the steps leading to my bedroom listening to my parents. My mom would be begging my dad to go to the hospital. This one particular time when I was eight, he had passed out in the shower, “recovered” and continued to get ready for work. His response to my Mom's pleas: “I’ll go to the emergency room when I get off work this afternoon”.
Eight years old and through my early twenties I thought this was normal. You don’t take sick days. You don’t take care of yourself before you go to work, even if you should be in the hospital. One terrible day in November 2012 I received a phone call that I wish I could forget.
My father died at work. At his desk. Fifty years old. Close to early retirement with six months’ worth of sick days banked that he refused to use. And yes, he had a chronic illness. But it doesn’t change the fact that we must learn to take care of ourselves. In life, he taught me the value of hard work. In death, he taught me the importance of balance.
I share my story because I am on a dedicated mission for this not to happen to anyone else. I share my story because I want you to understand how deeply passionate I am about helping YOU create a balanced life full of joy and wellness.
Now I thrive on wellness and self-care! I love to work out five days a week. Pampering appointments and rest are equally as important as my dedication to my clients and time spent as Executive Vice President of Operations for a beauty company. Time with my husband and two rescue dogs fills my soul and inspires my impact.
Whatever balance looks like in your life, we can co-create it together!
It’s possible to have enough time.
It’s possible to say no.
It’s possible to take control of your life.
It’s possible to make time for yourself.
It’s possible to have fun in your life.
It’s possible to re-write your story.
What People Are Saying
As someone who is very ambitious, it’s easy for me to have harsh standards for myself and base my worth on my external successes nearly 100% of the time. It usually sends me into a tailspin of feeling really bad about myself.
Chelsea’s coaching is something powerful and impactful that helped to put a stop to my extra judgemental side. I feel more free and less alone too. It’s also helpful to know that other women struggle with this too.
- Jessica H.
Mexica City, Mexico
I was at a very very dark bottom. I felt overworked, undervalued, and a failure in everything.
Chelsea’s program felt right and I knew that I had to invest in my life and happiness.
Each coaching call feels like I am talking with a bestie that is not afraid to call me on my bullshit, share my wins, and remind me what I want.
- Raquel L.
Orlando, FL
Before working with Chelsea, my life was all about work and I felt discouraged, tired, worn-out, and that time was passing by without me enjoying it.
I worked long hours and when I faced tough challenges I was spread thin and my energy was low. After a few weeks, I was able to dedicate time for myself without the feeling of guilt or poor performance at work. Instead, I discovered that the “Me” time was energizing my body and allowing me to approach work from a new perspective. I even cut back 10 hours of work per week and got a promotion!
- Rebecca A.
Daytona Beach, FL
Every call I have a breakthrough moment of clarity when the clouds break and the sun shines through and it’s like *angels siiiiiiiiiiiing* hello Jenny - here it is!
Before working with Chelsea I struggled with time management. Now managing my time brings order and peace to my life now.
If you are looking to improve yourself and are truly open to change, and examining your life, I highly recommend working with Chelsea!
- Jennifer B.
Chicago, IL
I have been reading Chelsea Zen’s posts for almost a year. I find her content purposeful and intriguing! So many times I feel like she is speaking to me directly; as if the information was written with me in mind. Although I know that’s not the case, it keeps me coming back for more!
Chelsea Zen is relatable and real! Thank you Chelsea and keep speaking words of wisdom and self love. Your teachings make so many lives better!
- Shannon L.
Charleston, SC
This is so cheesy but Chelsea is really special. Everyone in her life is lucky to share your warmth, positivity, and humor.
She’s a really incredible teacher. Her passion, energy, and expertise shine through in every class. I feel like I'm working out with my BFF beside me, cracking me up and keeping me going.
- Leah K.
Washington, DC