It's the last Monday of the month! 2019 is in full swing! Are you into affirmations? A few years ago I didn't really get what the concept.
Let's break it down ...
Affirm: state as a fact.
You are saying affirmations whether you realize it or not!
You really are!
Are you thinking I don’t even know what an affirmation is ? ..
Have you ever listened to these thoughts?
“I can’t have that”
“They are just lucky”
“That’s for other people, not me”
“They just have the easiest life”
“This is hard”
“My life is hard because of ___ but will be good when ___”
Ever thought any of those things?
More than once?
More than once a day?
On repeat?
Like it’s annoying?
When you repeatedly allow yourself to listen to/indulge in/ believe/ worry about a certain thought - on repeat- you are AFFIRMING to yourself that it’s true!
Good news is
This is a simple change!
Not easy ... but simple.
You replace the negative affirmations with the polar opposite.
As soon as you catch the thought, replace it
As quickly as possible.
As often as possible.
And soon the positive affirmations will be your new soundtrack.
And as you change your inner tune you will soon see the outer results.
My affirmation of the week is:
My happiness is a direct reflection of how quickly I can shift my perception from fear to Love ❤️
What’s yours?
Reply to this email and send me your fav affirmation!
Love + Light,
Chelsea Zen