Chelsea Zen

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Rock in Your Shoe

It's a Sunny Sunday!

Are you feeling out of sync? Like something is just "off"?

Feeling out of sync is like walking around with a rock in your shoe.

Think about it..
If you had a rock in your shoe, would you stop walking to take your shoe off and get it out?

If you said “no”, then you are crazy and you can just stop reading now.

If you are a normal human and thought “duh, obviously I am going to take the rock out of my shoe?!”

Then let me ask you this:
Do you have an emotional “rock” that you are leaving in your shoe?

If you have spent hours, days, months maybe even YEARS feeling out of sync... it’s time to get back on track.

Out of sync means you are trusting fear.
In sync means you are trusting love.

It might feel easier to just ignore that emotional rock, but I promise it’s more taxing than you think.
That emotional rock shapes your every perception in life. It lays a filter on the way you see relationships. It’s begging for your attention and its time you listened.

But how do we do that?

We get quiet.
We create emotional time and space to investigate what’s really going on.
You can do this in a lot of ways:
Take a quiet walk
Get vulnerable and talk about it with a trusted friend

Whatever you do: take the rock out of your shoe!

You are your best, your brightest, your most brilliant self when you are feeling in sync!
The world deserves to see you that way!

It can be challenging to do this on your own. I’m here to support you! The first three replies to this email will receive a complimentary 30-minute coaching call!

Love + Light,

Chelsea Zen