Chelsea Zen

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4 Tips for Balance During the Holidays

TThere’s the naughty list, the nice list, and the to-do list!

Where are you?

Stuck on your overflowing to-do list for the holidays?

I decided to share my 4 tips for staying balanced during the holidays!

Ready for number 1?!

#1 Don’t put yourself last on your list.

Self-care is important throughout the entire year...

But around the holidays self-care is usually the first thing to go


There are 5 weeks left in the year don’t blow yourself off

You deserve better than that.

I hear you: “but Chelsea, I can’t because I have this that and allll of that”

I get it, I really do.

“No you don’t, you’re not a mom”

You’re right.

But what I do know is you have a choice.
And my love, you deserve to choose to care for yourself

My tip?
Make non-negotiable appointments with yourself.

My recommendation is a MINIMUM two 20 minute appointments per week.

Your appointment can be anything you want.

Self-care doesn’t have to be expensive spa massages (although it can be).

Self-care appointments could be sitting in fuzzy socks with a warm blanket listening to peaceful music.

A self-care appointment could be taking a chilly stroll to look at Christmas lights.

Tonight my self-care will be a cup of hot chocolate and a cheesy Christmas movie.

The point is to do something that makes you feel loved, supported, and worthy of time and acknowledgment.

Trust me - when you fill yourself up with these feelings you will approach the rest of your lists with a more calm, gracious attitude.

That is tip #1!

Keep an eye out on Monday’s for tips 2,3 &4!

I hope this helps you create balance an boundaries throughout your holiday season!

If this is something you could use help on year-round- I have a digital course coming out: Busy to Balanced. It’s a 6 week digital course, that will be available in January!

If you’re like “omg need!” reply to this email to be added to the waitlist 💗

Love + Light,

Chelsea Zen