Be your own hero

Happy New Year!

It’s January 1st, 2023, and I don’t know about you - but I feel ready to crush some big goals this year. The last six months have presented massive challenges and rapid change.

Changes started to unfold when I stopped playing small. 

I decided I was willing to get uncomfortable and look at things I’d been ignoring. 

I decided to make space for feelings and dreams that I’d been suppressing.

I realized that *I* am the person responsible for making my dreams a reality. 

No one else is going to make your dreams happen for you.

It’s time to take a good look inside yourself and decide what you really REALLY want. 

Not just what would be nice to have.. that motivation will quickly fizzle out. 

I’m talking about what you actually truly want in your life. That thing that keeps you up at night. 

If you’re feeling unsure, maybe you’re like me and you haven’t been letting yourself “go there”. 

I promise you it’s worth it. 

Be your own hero. 

Make your dreams come true.


Anything is better than nothing