Give Yourself What You Need

There is such great reward for giving yourself what you need.

What you actually need.

Not what you think you should need or should do.

But when you get quiet and listen to yourself and feel into what you actually need- you’ll find the answer.

Today, I woke up, did my morning manifesto, gratitude journal, drank a full bottle of water, worked out, and had a client call.

Next on my to-do list was my Facebook/Instagram motivation Monday videos and spend time responding to emails and messages.

But I felt like I needed to get out of the house.

I intuitively knew that I actually needed to get out of my apartment, get outside in the fresh air(even though it was raining), be around green, and run a few errands without urgency.

At first I fought it.

I felt like “no I need to do my video in my apartment with lighting, and the emails need to be done now”.

Was that true?


So I shut down my computer escaped to my little green haven and did a little shopping.


It felt so nice to give myself exactly what I needed.

I recorded my motivation Monday videos outside, in the rain.

And once I got home I responded to messages, and I’m sending you this email :)

This is not to say you should blow off your commitments!

You should absolutely have integrity with yourself and others.

But I’m trying to express “You can’t fill from an empty cup” and it’s important to show up for yourself.

If you don’t show up for yourself you cannot show up for your family, work, friends, anything as your best.

And doesn’t the world deserve you at your best?

Yes, and YOU deserve you at your best.

So ask yourself: “What do I need?”

Once you discover what you need, give yourself permission. WITHOUT THE GUILT!

It isn’t necessary to feel guilty for showing up for yourself.

I hope you have a beautiful week!

Love + Light,

Chelsea Zen


To Be..


Imagination Muscle