Love Yourself Where You Are

Hello, my love! I hope you are having a fantastic week, today I want to talk about being in the process of getting what you want.

The only way to get to where you want to go is to love yourself where you are.

Are you focusing too much on “I’ll love and accept myself when I get __”?

Are you doing this and you don’t even realize it?

What if you stopped beating yourself up for not being where you want to be ...

Less busy
More patient
Less stressed
More calm
More __

And just love yourself where you are while you get to where you are going.

Your entire life will feel lighter and more buoyant.
And wouldn’t that be nice?

And wouldn't that be nice?

How can you show yourself more love and acceptance at this moment right now?


Love + Light,

Chelsea Zen


Recovering Perfectionist


To Be..