Tough Skin?
Has anyone ever told you “you need tougher skin” or “you better get thick skin”?
I’ve heard this a lot through my life and especially in the dance world.
I’ve always considered myself a sensitive person but never liked the idea of toughening up.
I believe my sensitivity allows me to have great empathy and compassion for others. And I didn’t want to lose that by making myself hard.
So how can we get around this idea of tough skin?
I’ve discovered it’s really about learning not to take things personally.
Not taking things personally looks like:
Not allowing comments, feedback, someone's perception- mean something about my character.
It's not about me.
It really isn’t.
It’s about perception.
It’s usually a Projection of the other person's Perception.
I can have the thinnest most sensitive skin and won’t be hurt because I’ve decided it’s not about me.
Learning not to take things personally has dramatically improved my life. In every aspect!
I don’t need positive feedback to feel good enough.
And I look at negative feedback with detective eyes, seeing if there is any truth or an opportunity to grow.
If there is I take it and use it.
If not I let it go.
Does it do any good to let another person's opinion fester inside of you?
No way. Not helpful.
This is something I work on with my clients. Really getting to the bottom of why they take things personally and how to replace that habit with a much healthier, freer way of living.
It’s incredible to see the beautiful women I work with transform from placing value on what everyone else thinks to owning their worth and stepping into who they are meant to be.
If you made it this far and this is something you struggle with I would love to chat with you! I’m only a message away 💕